Runway with PIC18F2550
A few months ago I came across microchip's PIC18-series. One in particular got my attention: the PIC18F2550. Nice features: build in USB support, lots of I/O, A/D conversion, etc. etc. I thought that's a nice device to build a simple cheap oscilloscope.
But before you get to the point of developing an oscilloscope, you first need to understand the this device is working.The best way to learn stuff is to break down the problem in smaller problems and solve each smaller problem one by one.
So I cut my "Continuous capture input signal, send it via USB to PC"-problem into smaller problems:
  • continuous capture data, display converted 10 bit value on series of 10 leds
  • send DATA via USB

The first problem was still to big to handle at once. So "continuous capture data, display converted 10 bit value on series of 10 leds" became:
  • do single capture
  • use 16 bit timer and interrupts
  • drive series of 10 leds

While playing with the 16 bit timer, interrupt and the 10 leds I at once had a running light. When I showed this to my children, they said: "wow, can you build a toy for us as well?". After answering "yes", I had to keep my word. Children have a good memory. So, first I had find out "what can I build within a month, in my spare time". The answer: a miniature runway. That's how this story started.
runway schema (gEDA)
runway schema (gEDA)

The schema is quite simple:
  • a voltage regulator 7805 for converting the 9V DC to 5V DC
  • a diode for protecting from incorrect battery connection
  • a PIC18F2550, the heart of the device
  • a 20Mhz crystal
  • a 5 pins print header for connecting the programmer K8076
  • and of course some leds, resistor and capacitors

In the schema you only see 10 leds instead of 20(plus one, power-on indicator). The reason for this is that I paired the leds and only need 2 connections per pair on the PCB.
paired leds
paired leds

The PCB was quite a challenge for me. This was my first one with an SMD-component. When I ordered the PIC18F2550, the image on the side showed an SDIP package, but when I received it, it turned out to be an SO28-package. I should have read the small letters on the site telling me that the image can differ from the real device. But in the end I managed to create the PCB as shown below. It's a two layer PCB, but I only etched one side and the few connections on the component side, had to be wired manually.
PCB image (gEDA)
PCB image (gEDA)

In the mean while I created from MDF the physical runway. Drill holes a little bit smaller than the 5mm led-heads.
MDF:  the physical runway
MDF: the physical runway
PCB: final result
PCB: final result
backside of the mdf, wiring the paired-leds
backside of the mdf, wiring the paired-leds

After mounting all the components, I checked and double checked all the soldering connections. Especially the ones connected to the PIC. After that, I connected the programming device the K8076 and kept my fingers crossed. Would it recognize the controller? Yes it did. So now I could upload the HEX-file with all the programming and control logic. Below you can see the assembly file. It hasn't been optimized what so ever.

#include&lt;; CONFIG XINST = ON ;Instruction set extension and Indexed Addressing mode enabled CONFIG DEBUG = OFF ;Background debugger disabled, RB6 and RB7 are gen. purp. I/O pins CONFIG BORV = 0 ; CONFIG BOR = ON ;Brown-out Reset enabled in hardware only (SBOREN is disabled) CONFIG FCMEN = ON ;Fail-Safe Clock Monitor enabled CONFIG IESO = ON ;Oscillator Switchover mode enabled CONFIG PWRT = OFF ;PWRT disabled CONFIG VREGEN = OFF ;USB voltage regulator disabled CONFIG WDT = OFF ;HW Disabled - SW Controlled CONFIG WDTPS = 32768 ;1:32768 CONFIG MCLRE = OFF ;RE3 input pin enabled; MCLR disabled CONFIG LPT1OSC = OFF ;Timer1 configured for higher power operation CONFIG PBADEN = OFF ;PORTB<4:0> pins are configured as digital I/O on Reset CONFIG CCP2MX = OFF ;CCP2 input/output is multiplexed with RB3 CONFIG STVREN = OFF ;Stack full/underflow will not cause Reset CONFIG LVP = OFF ;Single-Supply ICSP disabled CONFIG CP0 = OFF ;Block 0 (000800-001FFFh) not code-protected CONFIG CP1 = OFF ;Block 1 (002000-003FFFh) not code-protected CONFIG CP2 = OFF ;Block 2 (004000-005FFFh) not code-protected CONFIG CP3 = OFF ;Block 3 (006000-007FFFh) not code-protected CONFIG CPB = OFF ;Boot block (000000-0007FFh) not code-protected CONFIG CPD = OFF ;Data EEPROM not code-protected CONFIG WRT0 = OFF ;Block 0 (000800-001FFFh) not write-protected CONFIG WRT1 = OFF ;Block 1 (002000-003FFFh) not write-protected CONFIG WRT2 = OFF ;Block 2 (004000-005FFFh) not write-protected CONFIG WRT3 = OFF ;Block 3 (006000-007FFFh) not write-protected CONFIG WRTB = OFF ;Boot block (000000-0007FFh) not write-protected CONFIG WRTC = OFF ;Configuration registers (300000-3000FFh) not write-protected CONFIG WRTD = OFF ;Data EEPROM not write-protected CONFIG EBTR0 = OFF ;Block 0 not protected from table reads executed in other blocks CONFIG EBTR1 = OFF ;Block 1 not protected from table reads executed in other blocks CONFIG EBTR2 = OFF ;Block 2 not protected from table reads executed in other blocks CONFIG EBTR3 = OFF ;Block 3 not protected from table reads executed in other blocks CONFIG EBTRB = OFF ;Boot block not protected from table reads executed in other blocks CONFIG PLLDIV = 5 ;Divide by 5 (20 MHz oscillator input) CONFIG CPUDIV = OSC2_PLL3 ;[OSC1/OSC2 Src: /2][96 MHz PLL Src: /3] CONFIG USBDIV = 2 ;USB clock source comes from the 96 MHz PLL divided by 2 CONFIG FOSC = HSPLL_HS ;HS oscillator, PLL enabled, HS used by USB constant CNT0 = 00h constant CNT1 = 01h constant CNT2 = 02h constant CNT3 = 03h constant CNT4 = 04h constant CNT5 = 05h constant CNT6 = 06h constant CNT7 = 07h constant CNT8 = 08h constant CNT9 = 09h org 0x0000 goto MAIN_INIT org 0x0008 GOTO INT_HIGH org 0x0018 GOTO INT_LOW MAIN_INIT: BCF T0CON, TMR0ON; stop timer 0 CLRF PORTA CLRF LATA CLRF PORTB ; Initialize PORTB by clearing output data latches CLRF LATB ; Alternate method to clear output data latches CLRF PORTC ; Initialize PORTB by clearing output data latches CLRF LATC ; Alternate method to clear output data latches MOVLW b'1111' ;All digital ports MOVWF ADCON1 ; digital I/O pins (required if config bit PBADEN is set) MOVLW 00h ; Value used to initialize data direction MOVWF TRISB ; MOVWF TRISC ; BCF PORTB,RB0 ; BCF PORTB,RB1 ; BCF PORTB,RB2 ; BCF PORTB,RB3 ; BCF PORTB,RB4 ; BCF PORTB,RB5 ; BCF PORTB,RB6 ; BCF PORTB,RB7 ; BCF PORTC,RB6 ; BCF PORTC,RB7 ; CLRF CNT0 CLRF CNT1 CLRF CNT2 CLRF CNT3 CLRF CNT4 CLRF CNT5 CLRF CNT6 CLRF CNT7 CLRF CNT8 CLRF CNT9 MOVLW 0x00 ADDWF CNT0,1 MOVLW 0x19 ADDWF CNT1,1 MOVLW 0x32 ADDWF CNT2,1 MOVLW 0x4b ADDWF CNT3,1 MOVLW 0x64 ADDWF CNT4,1 MOVLW 0x7d ADDWF CNT5,1 MOVLW 0x96 ADDWF CNT6,1 MOVLW 0xaf ADDWF CNT7,1 MOVLW 0xc8 ADDWF CNT8,1 MOVLW 0xe1 ADDWF CNT9,1 CLRF INTCON; disable all interrupts MOVLW b'01000111';stop timer0, 16bits, (CLKO), low2high, prescalar assigned, 1:256 MOVWF T0CON; BSF INTCON, TMR0IE; overflow interrupt enable BCF INTCON, RBIE; BSF INTCON, PEIE; enable interupts from peripherals BSF INTCON, GIE; global enable interrupts BSF T0CON, TMR0ON; start timer 0 MAIN: NOP NOP NOP NOP GOTO MAIN INT_LOW: BTFSC INTCON, TMR0IF; Skip next instruction if clear GOTO ALT_SUB1 BTFSC INTCON, RBIF; Skip next instruction if clear GOTO ALT_RBIF BSF PORTB,RB4 ; BSF PORTB,RB5 ; BSF PORTB,RB6 ; RETFIE;return from interrupt INT_HIGH: BTFSC INTCON, TMR0IF; Skip next instruction if clear GOTO ALT_SUB1 BTFSC INTCON, RBIF; Skip next instruction if clear GOTO ALT_RBIF BSF PORTB,RB4 ; BSF PORTB,RB5 ; BSF PORTB,RB6 ; RETFIE;return from interrupt ALT_SUB1: INFSNZ CNT0 BTG PORTC,RB6 ; INFSNZ CNT1 BTG PORTC,RB7 ; INFSNZ CNT2 BTG PORTB,RB0 ; INFSNZ CNT3 BTG PORTB,RB1 ; INFSNZ CNT4 BTG PORTB,RB2 ; INFSNZ CNT5 BTG PORTB,RB3 ; INFSNZ CNT6 BTG PORTB,RB4 ; INFSNZ CNT7 BTG PORTB,RB5 ; INFSNZ CNT8 BTG PORTB,RB6 ; INFSNZ CNT9 BTG PORTB,RC7 ; BCF INTCON, TMR0IF RETFIE;return from interrupt ALT_RBIF: NOP; NOP; NOP; BCF INTCON, RBIF NOP; RETFIE;return from interrupt end
runway under construction
runway under construction
runway under construction (2)
runway under construction (2)

Next thing I did was adding a LEGO-interface. After a little help of super construction kit, a lot of pressure on the LEGO-part and some patience (not mine).
The runway was ready and officially declared open.
Airport  "Vriescheloo" 2012
Airport "Vriescheloo" 2012
On 2012-10-14, Eeuwe Vandyke wrote:


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